mercredi 26 décembre 2012

Missing WHO?

When everything is wrong
And I stand there a mess
You tell me to be strong
And to leave out all the rest

But now You're not there
And I'm still here
And it's not fair
That we're nowhere near

... I wish I could see you
I can't forget our talks
And I really miss you
Yeah,and i miss our long walks

It seems like forever
Since last time I saw you
It's been the longest time ever
Here without you

I wish I could speak to you every day
I'd only need to say a few words
Cuz i know you'd understand anyway
And so that's what I point my hopes towards

So don't give up
And don't let go
Just get back up
Ready, set, GO!
                                                                                                  -Lady Ink

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